letmesee: event photo sharing MOD + data



Modo divertente, facile e privato per condividere foto e video di eventi

Verificato per l'installazione in sicurezza



Immagine dello schermo


Share those precious moments like weddings, birthday parties, vacations, etc with the friends and family you want to see them - and no one else. Customize who sees (and does) what.

Toggle whether photos are sharable or downloadable. Perfect for vacations, weddings, and anything else you don’t want to plaster on social media.


Create an “event” and set your permissions

Add your friends and family

Watch them add photos to and interact with the event


Choose exactly what happens to your photos and who sees them.

-Your events are completely invisible and inaccessible to people you don’t invite
-Customize them with specific download and sharing permissions
-Allow or disallow people to add or delete photos
-No limits on the size, type, or number of photos you share


Create albums of events that those in your life can view and comment on. Share those special moments with friends, family, and co-workers - easily and without jumping through hoops. letmesee makes photo sharing fun and secure for everyone!

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