muzmatch: Muslim & Arab Singles, Marriage & Dating MOD + data



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Join over 2 MILLION single Muslims finding their perfect partner in the halal, free, and fun way.

Chat and meet great single Muslims nearby for FREE.

Get to know your match even better with FREE Video Calling. You decide who can call you and you never have to share your phone number.

With complete photo privacy and an anonymous nickname, you control who can see you.

Use our powerful filters to search for those single Muslims who meet your ethnicity/sect/religious criteria.

For extra peace of mind, we are the only single Muslim app that allows you to include a Wali or Chaperone in your chats.

muzmatch works! Over 50,000 single Muslims worldwide have got engaged or married on muzmatch already. Every day over 100 people find success on muzmatch!

For those looking for a halal muslim dating, rishta, marriage, matrimony or shaadi, muzmatch is the best free Muslim marriage app for finding your Muslim Nikah.

muzmatch has a serious, safe, quality community of 2 million single Muslims looking for their marriage partner. Every member is manually verified by our team using a security selfie and other profile information to ensure your matrimonial search is successful.

Whether you are South Asian, Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Turkish, Arab, Iraqi, Iranian, Somalian, French, Afghan or Indonesian, muzmatch is the place to find your muslim partner.

Sign up now in 30 seconds… and find your partner today!


Simply sign up and create your profile. Upload great photos and let other single Muslims know about you and what you are looking for.

SWIPE! We show you lots of amazing Single Muslims near you who are looking for Muslim marriage.

Like them if you’re interested in them. Pass if you would rather decline.

You control who can speak to you - only once both people Like each other can you then Chat FREE.

Chat in the app, and get to know each other. Keep things halal!

Take things to the next step - get married!

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