Who Has Died Recently? Celebrity & Notable Deaths MOD + data



Scopri le celebrità che sono purtroppo non è più con noi.

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Stay informed about what famous people have just died. Our app includes celebrities, scientists, artists, actors, politicians, entertainment, television stars, sports related people and many more. You will be first to know which celebrities just passed away, how old they were - and more, you can get his full biography from Wikipedia (if such is available). Look at the most shocking celebrity deaths over the years.

Latest list of celebrities and famous people who have died in this month includes:
✓ Celebrity name
✓ Celebrity short bio
✓ Celebrity age
✓ Celebrity photo (if available)

You can light a candle or place a flowers for selected person and write some memorial message next to it, so everyone can read it.

If you click on listed name you will get full biography of dead person straight from Wikipedia.

You can also filter list by nationality and occupation (job). There is also possibility to search person on the list.

There is also possibility to set notification or place widget on your home screen, so you can stay informed about new celebs who are sadly died today.

You can add alive person to the watchlist and get notification when he or she die.

There is also historical data available (down to year 1999), so you can see who has died e.g. in January 1999.

If you know how to improve this app, please share it with me, and if you like it - don't hesitate to rate it.

This app is English only! Due to Wikipedia as a data source I can't translate it to other languages.

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